
Project details



May 4, 2016

150 Epping Road, Lane Cove West – Residential Flat Buildings, Childcare Centre and Retail Outlets

Client: Arise Meriton

During the assessment phase of this Part 3A (State Significant) application the NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) raised a number of concerns with the proposed development. Building Code and Bushfire Hazard Solutions (BCBHS) being a recognised specialist in complex bushfire planning matters was commissioned by the applicant to address these concerns and prepare a suitable response to the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) via the NSW Department of Planning.

Utilising our extensive experience with bushfire design modelling and bushfire planning BCBHS successfully demonstrated that the concept design satisfied the relevant specifications and requirements of Planning for Bushfire Protection 2006 to achieve approval for the Part 3A application.

BCBHS subsequently provided design input and documentation to further refine the proposal which ultimately resulted in the receipt of an approved Development Application.

To ensure compliance with the Bushfire Protection Measures conditioned in the development consent and to also assist in advising the client of the various compliance options for construction materials BCBHS was also commissioned to provide advice at the Construction Certificate and Occupation Certificate phases of the development.

This project is now complete inclusive of appropriate Bushfire Protection Measures for the occupants and a desirable outcome for our client.